Saturday, May 1, 2010


Poor Max had to go under the knife Thursday. He tore the ACL on his right hind leg and was in a lot of pain. He did the same thing a couple of years ago on his left hind leg. We think this happen because after we came home from Yuma, he was doing a lot of stair climbing - something we don't have in Yuma. He seems to be doing well so far. We just have to keep him fairly immobilized for awhile.

On another note, we are still planning on heading north on the boat sometime in the later part of May. Waiting for Max to heal may cause another delay but we don't know for sure yet.

1 comment:

  1. I'm leaving here on the 13th of May, and should depart Bellingham about the 26th or so. Hope Max can make it... he always did walk a lot like you do Ron...
